A afirmação nacional da Ucrânia como sinal de um pan-eslavismo não russo


  • Eduardo Pauliki Solek Ferreira UEPG


This search briefly examines the Pan-Slavism trajectory since its literary genesis until become in political ideology. The general objective is showing to be inappropriate understanding it as a theoretical basis to aspirations of a Muscovite hegemony above the other Slavs. For this purpose, besides following the differences between this movement and Russian foreign policy, the most part of text focuses on the national assertion of Ukraine. The used method was the historic-sociologic, starting from primary sources. Predominating literary books, bibliographic review and international texts. The result consisted in the revelation of the Pan-Slavism inapplicability as a pro-Russian exclusively movement, being the Ukrainian case a sample of its multinational and multicultural character.


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How to Cite

Pauliki Solek Ferreira, E. (2022). A afirmação nacional da Ucrânia como sinal de um pan-eslavismo não russo. Caderno De Relações Internacionais, 13(24). Retrieved from